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Balance for Boris' Bubbles

Written by Mark Solomons | June 2020

Balance is key for Boris’ Bubbles and leave the final decision to Headteachers and Multi-Academy Trust leaders.

There’s a huge amount of speculation in the English media (June 24th) led by the Daily Telegraph, around children returning to school in September without having to stay one or two metres apart.

The plan appears to be akin to the introduction of the ‘bubbles’ we’ve been working with in our personal lives.

Now, we are all hoping we see schools fully reopen in September.

Students have already missed out on a key part of their education and continuing to do so runs the risk of damaging their long-term future, particularly those from disadvantage or who are unable to access support at home.

So this is great news that we MAY be able to remove social distancing by keeping students in bubbles and following strict hygiene requirements from September.

The headteachers and staff members I regularly talk to all want to see their students back in school.

They know the impact this is having and despite headlines showing teachers being the most anxious of all UK key workers, they have stepped up and will continue to do everything they can to open schools fully.

Government, local authorities and unions are there to give guidance, and if and when this changes, I know Headteachers and Multi-Academy Trust leaders will be pushing hard to be back to full operation.

The final decision should be left in their hands after consulting with their stakeholders. They know their staff, pupils and premises and are best placed to plan what is most effective for their school.

We just need to give them the necessary information and trust them to take the right action.

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