Mark Solomons

“2020 tumultuous for teachers” report says

The impact of the pandemic has been a challenge to everyone, that much is clear.

'Second-class citizens' the impact of Covid-19 on Scotland’s teachers

We read with huge sympathy today (December 10th) about the Glasgow teacher who has written an open...

Teacher wellbeing specialist joins TeachMeet Icons panel

Educational staff wellbeing specialist Welbee has announced a new partnership with TeachMeet Icons,...

Transforming staff wellbeing

This summer, just before the exams situation dominated the headlines, we asked three leading...

Things have to change

Educational specialist Welbee has published a free guide to help schools transform staff wellbeing.

Balance for Boris' Bubbles

Balance is key for Boris’ Bubbles and leave the final decision to Headteachers and Multi-Academy...

Check in, don't check up

A new feedback tool from educational wellbeing specialists Welbee has been launched for free to...

School Wellbeing Charter

Mark Solomons, CEO of staff wellbeing specialists Welbee welcomes the DfE announcement to monitor...